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Paradigm Shift-ing…when it gets real!!

What do you see in this picture below?

Before reading onward please take a second to write down what you see. OK, lets move on :)

How much can a focus drive us to NOT see another reality?

A focus for normalcy, a focus to hold it together, a focus to be heard, a focus for what was and could of been, a focus for being understood, a focus to provide, a focus to be loved or whatever it may be that you are clinging onto for dear life. Wait..I presumed focus was a good thing, but is it always? No, I’ve seen a focus become a deterrent. There may also be another reality that could be very much present and co-existing alongside mine. So then, how do we un-focus our focus to see beyond our focuses? Seriously, what the focus!!!?

I wish there was an easy answer to that, but there isn’t. It seems that we sometimes need harsh reality checks to bring us to our knees to be able to see another reality. Realities that would of never came to be otherwise. Sad, but the truth.

When you cannot see anything more than your reality it inevitably follows up with behaviors to match up to that reality. Powerful. I love this quote as it sums up the reality of that. "Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny."

No matter how hard you try to understand you won’t – period. Recently I came up against a very harsh standstill with losing my mom and other things that have helped me connect and gel the past together more. It was right in front of my face all along and yet I could not see.

Much like this picture (above) in the current book I’m reading. The exercise was to see another image aside from the one you first saw. I for the life of me could NOT SEE the younger version of her. All I saw was an old lady and it took so much time to get there. In fact, I got impatient knowing there is another image to be seen that I cheated and looked it up. What am I looking for? Ahh a younger women ok. Get this!! I still couldn’t find her. WTF!! I was getting so frustrated that I had to ask someone to show me how to unveil her younger self to me and so slowly I saw the scarf and then the face and lips and it came together, but until then I was fixated on this one way view. If I didn’t have that experience I would have never realized that there was another way to look at her. Losing mom forced me to see things differently, heck everything differently for the very first time because there is no her anymore. No buffer. No comfort blanket. No security in that one view. It all shattered and I was left to pick up the pieces and make sense of it all. It is hard. Very freaking hard! I can’t believe how much of me was fixated. I can’t believe how much more there is to learn, see and understand. For the first time I’m here and it feels like i'm lost at sea. It begs me to ask the question how much did I lose out on before. I'm catching a glimpse of that paradigm shift. Ahh New Year beginnings… 14 days in and well they ain’t always so pretty!!

Who did you see first? Can you see both her younger and older self?

I’m going to be reading, reflecting and working through my paradigms to another side ↖ ⬆ ↙ ⬇ somebody stop ME!! 😌 Book and my reading plan below if interested………. Happy thoughts! @pearlzrandomness


Book Plan 👇

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